Anyone seeking information about mental health resources available in the Santa Clarita Valley can click here for a list of resources. There are 24-hour phone numbers available. In the event of an emergency, 911 should always be the first call. Those looking to speak with someone can call:
- 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- 1-800-854-7771 for the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
- 1-800-784-2433 for the Treatment Advocacy Center
- 661-259-9439 for the SCV Child & Family Center
- 661-296-4444 for the Way Out Recovery SCV
- 661 212-0720 for Sharon Brubaker – Grief Recovery Specialist
- 661-288-4800 for the Santa Clarita Valley Mental Health Center
- 661-257-9688 for the Santa Clarita Valley Youth Project
- 661-803-1641 for Straightening Reins, equine therapy
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous (SFV Central Office)www.sfvaa.org |
(818)988-3001 |
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous SFV (Spanish) |
(818)786-8011 |
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous (Los Angeles) www.lacoaa.org |
(323)936-4343 |
AA - Alcoholics Anonymous (Spanish LA) |
(323)735-2089 |
AI - Anon/Alateen (Spanish-LA) |
(562)948-2190 |
AI - Anon/Alateen (LA County) www.alanonla.org |
(818)760-7122 |
CA - Cocaine Anonymous (SFV) |
(818)760-8402 |
Co-Anon (Family/Friends of Cocaine users) |
(310)859-2206 |
Crystal Meth Anonymous |
(213)488-4455 |
DA - Debtors Anonymous Meeting Info. www.socalda.org |
(310)822-7250 |
EA - Emotions Anonymous |
(818)377-4341 |
FA - Families Anonymous (of drug users) |
(310)313-5800 |
Marijuana Anonymous (all valleys) www.madistrict6.org |
(818)759-9194 |
Marijuana Anonymous www.marijuan-anonymous.org |
(800)766-6779 |
NA - Narcotics Anonymous (Greater L.A.) |
(800)863-2962 |
NA - Nicotine Anonymous |
(800)642-0666 |
OA - Overeaters Anonymous www.oasfvalley.org |
(818)342-2222 |
Parents Anonymous |
(909)621-6184 |
SA - Sexaholics Anonymous www.sasocal.org |
(213)480-1096 |
Battered Woman/Children Hotline |
(818)887-6589 |
Because I Love You/ Parent and youth support groups |
(818)882-4881 |
Child Abuse Helpline (24 Hours) or 211 |
(800)540-4000 |
Cocaine Hotline (referrals) |
(800)662-HELP |
L.A. County Alcohol & Drug Hotline |
(800)564-6600 |
M.A.D.D. victim hotline (877)623-34357 |
(800)426-6233 |
NCADD - Santa Clarita |
(661)253-9400 |
NCADD - San Fernando Valley |
(818)997-0414 |
National Runaway Switchboard |
(800)621-4000 |
Olive View Medical Center (UCLA Med Center) |
(818)364-1555 |
Rape Hotline (24 Hours) |
(800)585-6231 |
Salvation Army - (SFV) 2135 Roscoe Blvd., Canoga Park |
(818)883-6321 |
Self Help & Recovery Exchange |
(310)305-8878 |